Dienstag, 15. Mai 2018

Time-bending action-adventure Omensight is out today, and today, and today


Here is a list of reasons for why I’m strongly considering taking a break from a game I’m really enjoying, so that I can play Omensight (which just came out) instead.

  • It’s about re-living the day of the apocalypse and attempting to stop it by solving a murder.
  • You solve that murder by following different characters, manipulating them, then allying with or fighting them based on what you learn.
  • There’s time-bendy combat that reminds me of Transistor in all the right ways.
  • It’s got some cute mice in it.
  • It’s about re-living the day of the apocalypse and attempting to stop it by solving a murder.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun https://ift.tt/2Il0qQE

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