Montag, 21. Mai 2018

Battlefield V wants you to shut up, or touch its mouth?

With the glitz and glamour of Eurovision fading into memory, it’s almost time for That Other E Event, the Electronic Entertainment Expo. E3’s marketing blitz seems to begin earlier each year, and I’ve a sneaking suspicion I’m already in it but haven’t fully realised yet, and now here come Electronic Arts teasing the formal announcement of Battlefield V. Coming ahead of a big livestreamed event on Wednesday, the wee teaser video shows a steampunk gesturing for us to shut up. Or maybe inviting us to put our fingers in his mouth? I’m not quite sure. At the very least, it lends credence to rumours that developers Dice are taking the series back to World War 2 with this year’s game. (more…)

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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