Dienstag, 24. Juli 2018

Shadow Of The Tomb Raider has a hub city, granular difficulty and a certain complex

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the climbing stuff and stealing stuff and pushing giant stone cogwheels water, here comes another shark with ‘EXTREMELY SERIOUS ORIGIN STORY’ carved into its hide. Shadow Of The Tomb Raider threatens to complete a birth-of-badass-Lara tale we’ve already heard twice over, but there’s good news for those of us for whom there was never any mystery around why someone would want to be like Indiana Jones. SOTTR introduces a hub city to Tomb Raider for the first time, a den of shops and sidequests and secrets and time-lost Mayan civilians who immediately look to the ever-so-clever Englishwoman to resolve their every crisis.

What’s jumping out to me most, however, are new difficulty settings, which include the option to remove those immersion-breaking paint marks that show you exactly which rocks to climb up.

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun https://ift.tt/2LAsD6L

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