Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2018

Overwatch free weekend trial starts today, already preloading

As they like to do every couple months, Blizzard today launch another Overwatch trial weekend inviting everyone play their class-based multiplayer FPS for a few days. This time, Overwatch now has a horrible murderous rodent who people will fawn over all “Aww! Isn’t he cute!” as he gnaws your face off and lays his verminous brood in your guts. Oh! I’ve just had a vivid flashback to seeing the insides of my sister’s hamster after my brother’s hamster started tucking in. Organs were so much smoother and cleaner than I’d expected. The horror. Anyway, the weekend trial starts in a few hours but I’m pointing this out now so you can download the game in advance.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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