Mittwoch, 24. Januar 2018

The great GPU crisis – why are graphics cards so expensive now, and just how bad is it?

ZEC tales

If you hoped to build yourself an oasis of calm away from the cryptocurrency storm by simply leaving any conversation as soon as you hear the sound ‘bitc…’ start to emanate from someone’s face-hole, I’ve got some bad news for you. The effects of the alt-money goldrush are no longer confined to twitchy-eyed evangelists and screechy news headlines – for the second time in recent memory, it’s caused a huge spike in graphics card prices, both new and second-hand, as the crypto-clan rush to snaffle up any GPU they could possibly use to mine blockchain currencies such as Ethereum and Zcash.

This means two things for us, in practice. 1) Now is the worst possible time to buy a new graphics card for gaming, and no-one knows how long this will remain the case 2) now is the best possible time to eBay any old graphics cards you’ve got sat around. Case in point: I just got almost twice the price for my old 2015 Radeon that I would have done if I’d sold it two months ago.

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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