Freitag, 26. Januar 2018

Crimsonland devs blast out Tesla Vs Lovecraft

I remain astonished by how often 10tons, the studio behind games including Neon Chrome and Crimsonland, manage to release new twin-stick shooters. Not even four months after Jydge (which our John really enjoyed), they’re back with Tesla vs Lovecraft. As you can probably guess, it pits fiction’s favourite non-fictional inventor against H.P. Lovecraft and his tentacled horrors from below and beyond. The author burned down the inventor’s lab, see, so Nikky is striking back with his own mech and gadgets and… the novelty of ‘Tesla this’ and ‘Lovecraft that’ has worn off for me over recent few years, but: 1) explosions; 2) colours; 3) new 10tons shmup. Here, look: (more…)

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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