Donnerstag, 4. Februar 2016

Not Of This World: Devil Daggers Launching This Month

“Ah, man, I don’t know how to start this Devil Daggers post,” I grumbled in the RPS treehouse earlier. “I am excited about this game in a way I’m not usually. I often get excited by ‘oh yeah, this game does that thing I like in a good way’ but this is… it’s in my guts, man.” Solution: quote that watercooler muttering and roll from there.

Devil Daggers [official site] is an arcade FPS which may have parts familiar from ’90s shooters but as a whole feels like nothing I’ve seen (or heard!) before. Now it has a release date and my guts, man, my guts.

… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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