Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2020

The Sims 4 Tiny Living got me to play The Sims again

When I was a kid I was really, really into The Sims. The first one came out around the same time that my big brother went to university, which meant I got to move into his room – the big room, which had the computer in it. I stayed up way past my bedtime making versions of the adult my 11-year-old self wished to be (a willowy, elegant type with red hair). I played with the lights off so that if I heard mum coming up the stairs I could turn the big CRT monitor off and leap back into bed, and trick her into thinking I’d been asleep the whole time. This did not work, because the tower made a noise like a helicopter taking off, but still.

It was a phenomenon that gripped most of my school that year. I remember clearly that I was told the ‘motherlode’ and ‘rosebud’ money cheats by a maths teacher. This continued well into The Sims 2 a few years later, which had some of the best expansion packs and build options. But The Sims 3 just… lost me, and by the time The Sims 4 came around, I’d forgotten what I loved about the series. Until the Tiny Living Stuff Pack was announced.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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