Montag, 13. Januar 2020

The first week of The Longing: depressing royalist art and talking walls

You may recall that for some time now I have been quietly longing, lol, for The Longing, a “sad Tamagotchi” game where you, a small servant to a subterranean rock king, must hang about while he has a nap for 400 days. 400 real time days. This game takes over a year to finish. And it has multiple endings, which include reaching the surface, or just sitting in a sad, damp cave for the entire time.

This is, I suppose, technically a preview. The precise release date hasn’t been pinned down yet, but reviewing The Longing in a conventional way would be almost impossible in any case. Instead, I’m going to update you every month or so on my own progress in a diary. With the multiple endings in mind, our ultimate goal for this series will be… escape!


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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