Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2020

Temtem is the best Pokémon game in years

Tempting tempeh! Tempura templars! Temerarious temperatures! It is unclear at present whether Temtem is a contraction of anything, and what exactly it means if it is, but this Pokélike is the brand new catch ‘em up from Spanish studio CremaGames.

Temtem is an unashamed rip-off of Pokémon in almost every respect, but that’s why it’s good. It’s an homage to Pokémon before it was Pokémon, the 25-year-spanning, $900 million dollar-grossing mass entertainment franchise plastered across every schoolbag on Earth. Temtem is still just Temtem, first of its name, estranged child of multimedia mammoth and heir to legions of PC players who have been sweating for an MMO collect-‘em-all since the first time they saw the chunky electric mouse do a lightning bolt.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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