Donnerstag, 11. April 2019

Podcast: Goodbye to John and Alec

Yes, that quiet sobbing you hear is coming from the RPS treehouse. Alec, one of the founders of this PC games infospout, left on Tuesday. And John, another founderer, is leaving later this month. The treehouse boards will creak no more with the weight of their knowledge. The branches of the great tree have sagged with sadness. Far below, the infinite sniffing of a great bear can be heard within the trunk. The last of the old guard is waving goodbye. But we grabbed them for one last Electronic Wireless Show, and forced them to tell us some of their proudest moments, and to pass on their combined wisdom of over a decade in games journalism. They might be off, but the vast, sprawling treehouse they’ve built will remain, strong and flourishing.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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