Samstag, 31. August 2019

Priceless Play – 31 August 2019

Greetings, all! It’s the end of August, and so, these dog days are over. The temperatures might remain warm well into September, but do not be fooled: autumn is on its way.

It has been one year since I started writing Priceless Play, carrying the baton for Free Games of the Week. I love it! Bringing you weird writing on weird games week after week is a joy. So I hope you’ll indulge me for the next month as I take a brief step back. The break isn’t a glamourous drinks-in-a-coconut-with-tiny-umbrella variety, but rather a break to devote time to writing my comprehensive exams. Who said getting a PhD wasn’t glamourous? Everyone? C’est la vie!

Here are a handful of games to tide you over. Wish me luck!


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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