Donnerstag, 13. Juni 2019

12 minutes is Groundhog Day with more murder but less Bill Murray

The trailer for 12 Minutes opens on a tangibly moody, dimly lit scene of a woman and her husband, who then proceeds to use his knowledge of the future to correctly guess the contents of the elegantly-wrapped gift she’s just plopped on the table. I have to say, this is generally one of the more dickheadish things you could use your powers of foresight for. Your loved one comes home, evidently excited for you to find out what they’ve got in that gift wrapped box, and you’re just like “Gooigi body pillow, innit? Already know love,” completely killing the mood. Nice use of powers, mate. “I swear to only use this power to suck all joy from the gift of giving.” said the dickhead.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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