Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2018

Bethesda’s Fallout 76 takes you home to the place you belong


Well, there we go: Fallout 76 is the answer you were looking for. Not Fallout 5, not Fallout 3 remastered, but ‘Fallout 76′, what looks a whole lot like a sort of Fallout 4.5, much like New Vegas was to FO3. ’76’ refers, it seems, both to the number of the Vault you’ll start off in this time, and to the year 2076. I’m hoping it also proves an excuse to use more of a 70s than 50s aesthetic for this particular take on the end of the world, which may be backed up by the use of John Denver’s ’71 country classic, Take Me Home, Country Roads. That song’s reference to Virginia probably ain’t no coinky-dink either.

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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