Mittwoch, 16. September 2020

Terminating spiders in Kill It With Fire has turned me into a monster

A screenshot from Kill It With Fire showing a toilet with the lid up. A large black spider is in the centre of the lid. There are five bundles of TNT arranged around the toilet. The player is holding a detonator button.

I don’t like spiders. Ever since I watched a documentary on TV about the leggy nasties lurking in the rainforest when I was but a high-pitched, impressionable Ed, I’ve become one of those people who scrambles for a paper and cup when a spider’s lurking about. So yes, arachnids raise my blood pressure. Every now and again I consider getting one of those cowardly spider catcher sticks, those hairy tweezers that allow you to pluck spiders from afar and deposit them elsewhere.

Kill It With Fire actually came out a couple of weeks ago, but it’s one of a bunch of games that publisher tinyBuild brought to showcase at PAX X EGX, and I decided to push my personal limits by playing it. I was surprised to find my time with Kill It With Fire quite liberating, albeit worryingly so. I wasn’t afraid of the spiders at all. Instead I’d become a virtual eradicator of the eight legged kind. Cold, ruthless, a bit Terminator. And I kind of – who am I kidding? I enjoyed it immensely.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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