Mittwoch, 9. September 2020

Paradise Killer review

A screenshot of main character Lady Love Dies from Paradise Killer. She has a swirling white scarf, a red coat and is wearing a black and red dress with a heart symbol on the chest, and a god belt with a heart buckle. In one hand she holds Starlight, the laptop that stores all her clues

There are horror games like Agony that are pretty fixated on the idea of the intersection of sex, demon worship and horror being solely on the corner of Lazy Gore & Torture Rd. and Fannies With Teeth Ave.

How shortsighted they are proven now, when a neon-saturated open-world murder mystery set on a tropical island in a different reality manages to do sexy ritual blood sacrifice, worshipping unknowable goat gods – and, by extension, the banal, cosmic horror of it all – way better. And you get to listen to a banging soundtrack rather than the boring screaming of the damned. Friends, I have met Paradise Killer, and it is good.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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