Freitag, 8. März 2019

Ready Or Not looks quite a bit SWAT 4-y

When a first-person is described as “tactical” these days, people typically mean that its guns aren’t made-up zapguns and you can’t double-jump. Upcoming tactical FPS Ready Or Not looks to harken back to ye olden days of the SWAT games and such, when “tactical” meant aping police tactics: carefully checking and clearing buildings, trying to take suspects alive using nonlethal tools, and never rushing blindly then relying on deathmatch skills to save you. Ready Or Not isn’t due out until 2020 but it’s looking to be in the same vein as Irrational’s SWAT 4 in a new ten-minute explain-o-trailer vid. See for yourself below.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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