Donnerstag, 21. März 2019

Apex Legends landing [Season 1]: how to drop fast and land first, Wave Drop and other landing tips

Apex Legends lets you carve a three-part multicoloured path through the sky at the beginning of each match with its innovative landing system. From the trails each team leaves in their wake to the addition of a team Jumpmaster to guide the group down together, there’s a lot to like, but a whole lot more to it all than just pointing where you want to go and hoping you get there first.

So we’ve put together the below Apex Legends landing guide, walking you through what we do to drop faster, and land first-er. We’ll also explain what you should be doing while you’re dropping, even if you’re not the team’s Jumpmaster. As long as you follow the below rules, your boots will pretty much always hit the ground before anyone else’s do.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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