Donnerstag, 14. März 2019

A Year Of Rain is an accessible if ambitious upcoming co-op RTS

I was nervous, sitting down to play A Year Of Rain. I don’t have a lot of experience with real-time strategy games, and even though technical director Nick Prühs had explained some of the accessibility features, it still looked intimidating. Plus, as a co-op and a competitive game, it has twice the number of people available to embarrass myself in front of.

As I dug in, turtling in a corner where I assumed no one would notice me, three opposing horsemen showed up to attack one of my buildings. I sent some people to gently chase them off, but a developer watching over my shoulder suggested that I pursue them. Within minutes, my army of spearmen and clerics were a wave that crashed into their buildings and overwhelmed their units. Suffice to say I didn’t feel nervous after that. There may, in fact, have been gleeful giggling involved.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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