Freitag, 12. Oktober 2018

Whirlwind FX Vortx review: A blow-by-blow account of this PC wind machine

When I was a child, 4D cinemas were all the rage. You know the ones, with the seat-rumbling and the spurts of air in your face when something explodes onscreen and the spaceship you and 40 other people are meant to be piloting starts crash-landing into the moon. Well, Whirlwind FX have come up with the PC equivalent of 4D cinema that you can stick on your desk.

The Vortx, they call it, and this small, speaker-sized doodad is being touted as the world’s first environmental simulator for PC gaming. It does so by essentially blowing hot and cold air in your face for those air-quote worthy goals of “maximum immersion” and “making you feel like you’re in the game” – provided you can still hear the game over the din of its fans, that is.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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