Sonntag, 8. April 2018

Below is absolutely real despite what you may believe

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The video game Below is absolutely going to happen. I know you can’t read my tone here but I am using my most Serious Voice. It’s probably coming out now. It may already be out. Who knows? Maybe we’ve already played it together and had a wonderful time. Do you remember that night? We all shared secrets and ate crisps. I had too many beers and you were like “Brock, don’t get drunk, we’ve been waiting so long for Below, we need to enjoy it together.” I said something inappropriate, but we all circled back and had a wonderful time. I apologized later to you in private and we’re all good now. Maybe we’re even closer because of the experience.

Point being, this weekend was another big video game conference and another chance for let leak a bit of news on a game that was first shown to us in 2013. And just enough leaked for us to have the conversation about the inevitability of Below yet again.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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