The long-running Shin Megami Tensei series has worn many strange hats over the years. From singular (and now defunct) PC MMO to handheld dungeon crawlers and even spinning off into the mega-popular multi-genre Persona line, there are few unifying elements behind the series outside of adorable snow-sprite Jack Frost.
To promote the upcoming 3DS re-release of SMT: Strange Journey, Atlus pushed out a fake trailer for a platform adventure starring the little snowman and his fiery brother Jack ‘O Lantern. It did look like a nice game, though.
One double-fakeout later, and Atlus confirmed that not only was the the ‘fake’ game shown real, but free, on PC, and out now. Better still for us english-speaking types, there’s a (partial and fan-made) translation patch, so hit the jump for the trailer that started it all, the game, and the translation.
from Rock, Paper, Shotgun
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