Montag, 20. Juli 2015

Batman: Arkham Knight ‘Interim’ Batpatch Due In August

Do you know anything about how computers work, Batman? How is this supposed to help?

Zam! Biff! Pow! Bap! Awk! Boff! Flrbbbbb! Vronk! Zlott! Zlonk! Swa-a-p! Crunch-eth! These onomatopoeias and more are the sounds that have surely filled meeting rooms at Warner Bros. since the disastrous PC launch of Batman: Arkham Knight [official site]. Almost four weeks after pulling the game from sale until they’d fixed it up, it seems WB and Rocksteady are still a fair way off bringing it back.

The next patch for folks who bought Bats before he was sent to the Batcave’s naughty step will arrive in August, WB have announced. This is described as an “interim patch update”, which suggests that The Big One is still lurking in the future beyond.

… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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