Donnerstag, 8. Oktober 2020

Podcast episode 112: the excuse to talk about Baldur's Gate 3 special

A screenshot of Astarian, a companion from Baldur's Gate III and also a vampire thrall who has to drink blood sometimes. He is a cleanshaven man of about 35-40, with white hair and dark red eyes.

Alice Bee is back from holiday in time for a massive CRPG to enter early access, so this episode is supposedly about our favourite companions in games, but is really mostly about Baldur’s Gate III, Larian’s massive new Dungeons & Dragons-themed, reawakening-a-classic fantasy game. She and Matthew have both played a bit of it (Matthew a lot more than her), but we have a chinwag about it and the characters in it nonetheless.

We do also get to chatting about our actual favourite companions from other games, though. There are mentions for some old reliables that I bet some of you already knew were going to come up, as well as some surprise entries from new up and comers. We like to keep things fresh here at the Electronic Wireless Show. Just don’t hit your head on all the digressions, or in this week’s Cavern Of Lies, which is a lil’ D&D treat.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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