Donnerstag, 20. August 2020

Podcast episode 106: the Rezzed Tabletop RPG special

A header image showing a grey and black cartoon of a man dressed very convincingly as Crash Bandicoot, apparently suffering from a heart attack as he clutches at his chest. Behind him is a blurred EGX REZZED logo

This week we have an extra special treat for you! It does mean we don’t talk about PC games at all, though. Well, we do, but we talk about fake ones that we’ve made up. Today we’re joined by special guests Meg from EGX and ReedPop video producer Dean (of Dicebreaker’s Dungeonbreaker fame to for an actual play of our new free tabletop RPG, EGX Rezzed The RPG!

EGX Rezzed The RPG was written by Grant Howitt, of Rowan, Rook and Decard, and our own Nate Crowley. It is a madcap dungeon crawl adventure through the Tobacco Dock, and it’s free for you to download and play right here. It’s superb fun, and you and your team of pals will come up against such challenges as ‘try not to buy an overpriced imported fizzy drink’ or ‘an actual minotaur’ as you look for that one amazing indie game you’ve been waiting for your whole life.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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