Mittwoch, 19. August 2020

Family is like a free version of Obra Dinn but for fake 80s music

Having gone out with one of those lads while I was at uni, I instinctively react to terms like “shoegaze” like a startled deer who can’t decide whether it’s safer to run, or stay very, very still and hope to be left alone. I was forced into action by Family, though, which is a free game you can get from Itch right this very second.

It’s a clever little detective game by Tim Sheinman (Owl_Skip on Itch), where your job is to uncover the names of 30 musicians from a specific, but entirely fake, 80s London music scene. You use snippets of clues, recordings of songs, and your own big sexy brain to work it out. It’s a lovely little gem to spend an afternoon with.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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