Sonntag, 5. Juli 2020

Have You Played… Blood Bowl 2?

have you played blood bowl 2

If Graham allowed us to swear above the cut, I would one hundred percent have started this post with a string of expletives. Because Warhammer-themed sports game Blood Bowl 2 is utterly maddening. I’m playing in a league at the moment, the bottom of which I am hugging like a flipping anchor, and while the people I’m playing with are great, I dread every fixture as two hours I know I will never get back. The losing, I couldn’t care less about. I am not really very competitive about games anyway, and as a newcomer to this one, it’s only natural that I’d get repeatedly mauled by a league full of more experienced players. Oh no. The problem, crucially, is the anatomy of a Blood Bowl 2 loss.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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