Montag, 15. Juni 2020

I thought I was immune to Star Wars nostalgia until I saw the Squadrons trailer


I was a massive Star Wars nerd as a kid. Obviously. But by the time the prequel trilogy had been and gone, I was out of my teens and largely out of love with the whole thing. I mustered a bit of “ooh, that’s pleasant” for The Force Awakens, and I had fun with the other two movies, but I definitely didn’t feel any of the so-called Star Wars “magic” people talk about. I’d gotten older, I’d moved on, and I figured that if an entire trilogy’s worth of “hey, remember that bloke/droid/hand gesture/monster chess” moments hadn’t made me feel a twinge of wistfulness, there were no relevant heartstrings left to tug. I’ll admit, The Mandalorian gave me a run for my money, but I suspect I really liked it because it was a fun, easy-to-watch show, rather than because it was a Star War.

But then, about an hour ago, I saw the trailer for Star Wars: Squadrons, the space pilotry extravaganza that’s due to fall out of the big EA Games Bum on October 2nd, and my luck finally ran out. I went down like a chump, reduced to helium-hearted nostalgia by the same, idiot’s trick all the New Star Wars things get people with – moving pictures of spaceships I spent way too long daydreaming about as a ten year old. But how come this one got through my armour? Easy. Because it wasn’t targeting my nostalgia for the Star Wars movies; it was targeting my nostalgia for TIE Fighter. And that nostalgia, my friends, is a gorgeous beast I will never be rid of.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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