Samstag, 13. Juni 2020

Baldur's Gate 3 will (maybe) hit early access in August… and that trailer got me well excited

baldurs gate 3 first trailer 1

Today’s Guerilla Collective stream treated us to two tasty nuggets from the Forgotten Realms, as Baldur’s Gate 3 got its first official trailer, and also a tentative early access release date of “August (Maybe)”. That ‘Maybe’ is, understandably, doing a lot of heavy lifting right now, as developers Larian Studios can’t be certain what will and won’t be possible under the looming spectre of the Covid-19 virus in the months to come. But after watching a load of cool devil men, goth hobbits and Shakespeares make their slow-motion preparations for battle, accompanied by some of the best pump-up music I’ve encountered in a while, I’m just gonna have to be optimistic.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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