Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2019

Fortnite Fortbyte locations – #06 Yay at the Ice cream shop, #72 Salty Springs Fortbyte, #07 Cuddle Up Rocky Umbrella

Fortnite’s Fortbyte challenges have been going for nearly three weeks now and today asks you to get excited about ice cream. Found west of the racetrack, the ice cream shop has been modernised a little bit, but is in the same place it’s always been. If you know where to look, and we will tell you where to look, then this should be an easy challenge to complete, but note that you will need the Battle Pass for this one. New challenges unlock every day or so, requiring some specific conditions to unlock. There are a hundred in total and I will be going over all of them. Wish me luck.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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