Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2018

The “Not a Metroidvania” bundle includes 4 great Metroidvanias

Dead Cells

If only you could have seen the RPS Slack chat a few months ago, during the great Metroidvania debate of 2017. Battle lines were drawn. On the one side: John, insisting that of course Dead Cells isn’t a Metroidvania. On the other side: everyone else, calling John an old fogey for insisting on overly strict and out-dated genre boundaries. On the other other side: the sensible people, who probably didn’t get involved because this is a silly discussion that’s of no consequence whatsoever.

Still, I was in the second group, and can’t help but picture the smug look on John’s face as he dropped news of the “Not a Metroidvania” Steam bundle into our Trello this morning. It includes the best game of 2017, the splendid Sundered, the Dark Souls-esque Salt and Sanctuary, and the comparatively essless Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition. John likes all of them, but what does he know. (more…)

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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