Dienstag, 14. November 2017

Wolfenstein 2 story DLC dated, detailed, silly-named


Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is, for better or worse, very much BJ Blazkowicz’s story, and outside a few shocking shots of the wider world, isn’t entirely interested in showing us how Nazi rule in the 1960s affects the individual lives of others. We already knew that story-based DLC was on its way, but now we have dates on the four-part season pass that aims to make fascist-occupied America more than the tale of one man and his special submarine friends.

Say hullo to Joseph Stallion, Jessica Valiant and their chum who must be eternally resentful that he did not also win the amazingly ridiculous surname lottery, Gerald Wilkins. Joseph Stallion! Good lord.

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun http://ift.tt/2zElBHO

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