Montag, 15. Mai 2017

PaRappa & Gitaroo Man chaps team up for Rap Rabbit

Two of the main chaps behind such fine rhythm games as PaRappa the Rapper and Gitaroo Man have teamed up to crowdfund a musical battle game they’re currently calling Project Rap Rabbit [official site]. It’ll visit an alternate version of 16th century Japan with a rabbit who — get this! — raps. He thinks he’s people! It’s the gamebaby of Masaya Matsuura, who’s known for rhythm ’em ups like PaRappa and Vib-Ribbon, and Keiichi Yano, designed Gitaroo Man and directed Elite Beat Agents. I’m delighted to see them rhythming onto PC. Have a peek at their pitch video: … [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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