Mittwoch, 2. November 2016

Best Civilization 6 Mods So Far

Firaxis’ latest bite at the macro-scale building turn-based 4X ’em up cherry has hardly been with us two weeks, yet has already inspired umpteen illustrious tales of mighty empires, astute observations and bittersweet victory conditions here at RPS.

Wot did strategy aficionado Adam think? He loved it, of course, but there’s always room for improvement – and when a game is made up of quite so many simultaneously moving parts, mods tend to help make that so. Official support hasn’t quite breached the shores of Sid Meier’s Civilization 6 [official site], however that’s hardly stopped keen modders from getting their hands dirty in the meantime. We’ll add to this list down the line, but here’s the best Civ 6 mods available right now.

… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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