Freitag, 19. August 2016

Ridealong: Going Under The Wing Of A Flight Instructor

Terror at 2000 feet

Ridealong is our monthly feature where Brendan travels deep into game worlds to meet, question and journey with the inhabitants that dwell within. This time, he meets a flight instructor for a ‘virtual airline’ and sweats as he learns his way around the cockpit in Microsoft Flight Simulator X.

We are at 2000 feet when we begin to stall. I am absolutely certain I am going to crash this plane. We are tumbling to earth and all I can hear is the harsh buzz of the stall warning, telling me everything about this is wrong. But then I hear it, the voice of Dan “TX Hills”. He has a calm voice. As far as he’s concerned, everything has gone exactly the way it was supposed to.

… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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