Freitag, 4. September 2015

Doctor Who Comes To Fallout: New Vegas

Out from the expanding heap of creation birthed from the modding community comes one particularly impressive mod for Fallout: New Vegas [official site]. It’s Fallout Who Vegas, a project that combines two of Earth’s most beautiful and pure creations: the Fallout universe and Matt Smith’s lovely, big face. Yes, friends, it is a Doctor Who in Fallout mod.

Fallout Who Vegas has been in development for five years, an intensive hobby for its creators at The Foundry – a little modding community of developers, modellers and animators. An initial release happened a few years back and the team has been tweaking things and adding all things Whovian in the time since. Now, finally, the mod is out in its final release form. Video after the jump.

… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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