Donnerstag, 9. April 2015

Izle Kickstarter Offers Grapple Hooking On To Clouds

By the time I’ve learned that a game is about crafting on a procedural landscape and on Kickstarter, I’m a sludge on the ground, my lack of interest unable to hold my molecules together. Izle had a long way to go to re-corporealise me, then. It did it first by making its procedural worlds floating islands rendered in a pretty, polygonal, flat-textured style. Then by having a grappling hook which lets you swing from clouds. Then by having some sort of ability in which you fly into the sky and then a giant hand comes out, as if from a galactic giant, and I think that’s how the islands are formed? Then you get a bird you can fly upon.

… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun


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