Donnerstag, 2. April 2015

Animator Brings Dota 2 Faceless Rex Joke To Life

Dino time wizard courier

Remember when Valve dropped a bunch of faux-concepts for a Faceless Void update along with the Dota 2 character’s actual factual model update? One was the glorious Faceless Rex, a dino time wizard with whom I (and a whole bunch of other people) instantly fell in love.

Lucky for us then that French animator, Maxime Lebled, and workshop artist, Yuri Shust, ended up turning the concept into a reality of sorts, fleshing it out as an animated courier model. Over on Twitter he was billing it as “something special for April Fools’ day” but his livestream of the work-in-progress was met with rather more enthusiasm from fans than he’d expected after a tweet from community stalwart Cyborgmatt.

… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun


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